Thursday, April 10, 2008

Political Campaigning on the Internet

More and more organizations and corporations across the country are using the Internet for campaigns about issues rather than about individual candidates. The next phase in the Internet political revolution is an always on and always available online campaign.

Issue-advocacy campaigns are moving online in greater and greater numbers. Having an online web site for your campaign offers major advantages over traditional media, including cost, availability (24X7), control of content and the ability to focus your issue(s).

Granted many corporate websites spend enormous amounts of money on their websites but using the web for politics can be relatively inexpensive, just ask Governor Howard Dean. Even the web newbie can use many of the drag and drop website design tools (many of which are free) to build a respectable website in a matter of a few hours. A professional website usually costs just a few hundred to a few thousand dollars, or next to nothing if skilled volunteers are available. Hosting can be your least expensive outlay ranging from just a few dollars a month up to about twenty five dollars a month.

With traditional printed media a brochure used in a direct mailing can cost thousands for the design alone, plus tens-of-thousands of dollars for printing and postage. Television ads start in the tens-of-thousands range for a single 30 second ad.

On the other hand, email campaigns are nearly free. By use of the website volunteers' or supporters' addresses can be gathered, they then can be turned into a mailing list for regular issue notification and for overnight mobilization. A beneficial side effect is that recipients will often forward email newsletters to friends, family who would otherwise not have heard about your campaign.

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